McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y



McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

McGregor’s ideas about Theory X and Theory Y were first articulated in his article, “The Human Side of Enterprise” (Lawter et al, 2015). Theory X and Y are different two management styles with certain philosophies defined according to each manager within an organization environment. They both look at ways and means how to motivate employees and therefore, have a feel of the characters of their workers. For example, theory X believes pushing employees to work by having punishment and rewards can be a motivational factor, while theory Y promotes self-management, self-esteem, and management by objectively leading to intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Touma, 2021).

McGregor’s perspective was that there had to be an equal balance between the needs of an employee and those of an organization. Trying to meet this balance between individual and enterprise, McGregor applied psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to his theories on management (Singh, 2019). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory was an arrangement of the five basic needs: self-actualization, esteem, belonging, safety, and physiological needs (Armstrong, 2009).

When McGregor formed the basis of his Theory X and Theory Y assumptions, he grouped Maslow’s five basic needs into ‘high’ and ‘low’ order needs, the ‘high order needs’ encompassing the Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization needs while the ‘low’ incorporated the Physiological and the Security needs. By doing this McGregor was able to come to the realization that motivation was the key to managing others and interpreted it into his Theory X and Theory Y (Singh, 2019).

Theory X

The Theory ‘X’ management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can and that they inherently dislike work (Hattangadi, 2015). Therefore, managers tend to believe that employees/teams need to be very closely should monitor and supervised. In the organization I work for, there are members that we expect to carry out a fair day of work, because of the leadership practice of Autocratic leadership style. And, For the employees who fail in performing, the organization will be issuing on a warning letter to monitor their behavior. 

Theory Y

Recent studies revealed that Theory Y is most and better adapted for organizations that need problem-solving and individual participation in decision-making, so it fits more the environment where creativity, problem-solving, and scientific issues exist (Touma, 2021). Theory Y is a participative style of management which assumes that people will exercise self-direction and self-control in achieving the organizational goals and objectives. It assumes that employees are committed to the organization’s objectives (Hattangadi, 2015). For example, in the organization, I work for in the education industry, we have Student Counselors who are primarily achieving their KPI beyond 100% in self-interest and attitude to perform better.

However, below table 1.0 will explain in an organization how Theory X and Theory Y people can identify with their characteristics differences.

Table 1.0 – Differences between Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’


Theory ‘X’

Theory ‘Y’


People have an inherent dislike for work and try to avoid it as far as possible.

People have basically good for working towards their own goals.


Need direction

Capable of directing their own behavior.


Not dependable

Workers are trustworthy


Avoids responsibility i.e., people always avoid responsibility

Will assume responsibility given an opportunity


Not dependable

Workers are trustworthy


Workers are not concerned with the need of the organization.

Workers want to contribute to the success of the organization.


Workers are not willing to change

Eager and able to change to grow and develop.

Source: Management & Enterprise (2010)

Managerial implication of Theory X and Y

·         It explains the many facts of managerial assumptions.

·      Many possibilities for motivating employees like money, personal satisfaction, achievement, and  challenges are identified.

·         It paved way for managers’ attitudes and viewpoints.

Therefore, this blog detailed how Theory X and Y people identify subjective to Managers’ perceptions, differences, critical analysis, and managerial implications of the theory in practice.


·         Armstrong, M., (2009) Human Resource Management Perspective, 11th edition, P 324

·         Hattangadi, V., (2015). Theory X & Theory Y, International Journal of Recent Research Aspects, Vol 2   (4) [Online] Available at: < >   [Accessed on 13th Nov 2022]

·         Janakiram, B. (2010) Management, and Entrepreneurship, 1st edition, pp 119-120

·         Lawter, L., Kopelman, R. E., & Prottas, D. J. (2015). McGregor's theory X/Y and job performance: A   multilevel, multi-source analysis. Journal of Managerial Issues, 27(1-4) [Online] Available at:   < >   [Accessed on 12th Nov 2022]

·         Singh, L.K., (2019). A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THEORY X & THEORY Y IN THE 21ST   CENTURY, EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review-Peer Reviewed   Journal,  Vol 7 (9).

·         Touma, J. (2021). Theories X and Y in Combination for Effective Change during Economic   Crisis,  Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies, Vol 9 (1) [Online] Available at:   < > [Accessed on 12th Nov   2022]


  1. Great Article on the theory of X and Y sachini!. Theory Y also know as the theory of integration emphasizes the importance of recognizing the needs of both organizations and Individuals and creating an environment that will reconcile these needs so that the members can work together for its success and share its rewards. (Michael Armstrong, 2006)

    1. Thank you Zameera for your comment. Theory X is an autocratic management style where the manager has the centralization of power and takes decisions without taking the opinion of colleagues at work and Theory Y managers have better results in leading people to grow and develop (Touma, 2021).

  2. Good Article, According to the theory, the function of motivating people involves certain assumptions about human nature (Varma, 2017) Theory X and Theory Y are two sets of assumptions about human nature (Varma, 2017) Every type of nature will have to find a unique way to motivate and achieve results (Varma, 2017)

    1. Thank you Ameen for your comment. Theory X management style assumes that people
      are interested in safety and physiological needs rather than higher needs, but McGregor believed that workers in the 1950s had moved beyond lower needs and were seeking to meet social or esteem needs and Theory Y managers assume that the people they supervise are as committed to work and as capable of finding solutions to work-related problems as they are themselves (Aydin, 2012).


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