Relationship Between Employee Motivation and Employee Performance



Relationship Between Employee Motivation and Employee Performance

The global business environment is fast-moving and the organizations which are adaptable to the change are the ones going to survive in the business environment. Organizations need to frame strategies to endure the challenging competition, and the ones which are able to survive will be able to sustain longer than others (Varma, 2017). For example, organizations such as groups of companies like Hayelys, and John Keells have the tools to measure the KPI performance and will be rewarded accordingly at the end of the financial year including employee recognitions.

Motivation as a meaningful construct is a desire to satisfy a certain want and is a central pillar in the workplace. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has what it takes to define employee satisfaction in the workplace (Forson, 2021).

Traditional motivation theories focus on specific elements that motivate employees in search of organizational performance. For example, the Hierarchy of Needs theory states that employees have five levels of needs (physiological, safety, social, ego, and self-actualizing), while equity and justice theory states that employees strive for equity between themselves and other employees (Lee, 2016). Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors such as the intensity of desire or need, incentive or reward value of the goal, and expectations of the individual and of his or her peers. These factors are the reasons one has for behaving a certain way (Rajampet, 2018). For example, in an organization that I work for, the sales team will work continuously even though they have achieved their personal KPI to achieve the branch-level target to contribute to the corporate goal.

Organizations have realized that they have to develop unique dynamic characteristics that empower their competitive advantages in order to survive in a constantly changing market environment. Thus, they are focusing on the exploitation of their human resources (HR), particularly on employee performance (EP), as a source of strategic advantage (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2018).

The performance incorporates the resulting outcomes of the performed actions of employees based on their expertise and skills. In organizational settings, employees’ performance is the accumulated result of the skills, efforts, and abilities of all the employees contributing to organizational improved productivity leading towards its goal achievement. Improved organizational performance indicates the efforts toward goal achievement while requiring more effort in terms of improved employee performance (Dahkoul, 2018).

Every organization’s success is dependent on Employee performance. Therefore, committed employees enable the organization to achieve its objectives, poor performing employees lead to the downfall of an organization. To develop reliable and unbiased ways of evaluating employees, organizations should understand the key benefits of employee performance (Muriuki and Wanyoike, 2021).



·      Dahkoul, Z, M., (2018). The determinants of employee performance in Jordanian organization, Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting, Vol 5 (1), (Online) < > [Accessed on 23rd November 2022]

·       Diamantidis, D., and Chatzoglou, P. (2018). Factors effecting employee performance: an empirical approach, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol 68 (1), (Online), < > [Accessed on 24th November 2022]

·     Forson, J.A., Dwamena, E. O., Opoku, R. A, and Adjavon, S.E (2021). Employee motivation and job performance: a study of basic school teachers in Ghana, Future Business Journal, Vol 7 (30), (Online) < > [Accessed on 23rd November 2022]

·    Lee, M.T., Robyn, L and Raschke (2016). Understanding employee motivation and organizational performance: Arguments for a set-theoretic approach, Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, Vol 1 (3), (Online) < > [Accessed on 23rd November 2022]

·   Muriuki, M. N., Wanyoike, Rosemarie., (2021). Performance Appraisal and Employee Motivation, International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, Vol 3 (10), (Online) < > [Accessed on 24th November 2022]

·      Rajampet (2018). A Study on Employee Motivation at the workplace with reference to BNSL, Kadapa, International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, Vol 5 (4).

·      Varma, C. (2017) Importance of Employee Motivation & Job Satisfaction for Organizational Performance, International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, Vol 6 (2), (Online) < > [Accessed on 23rd November 2022]


  1. I agreed. One of the most important issues that every organization faces is employee motivation. Every manager's primary responsibility is to motivate their staff members and foster a culture of "will work" in each one of them (Qadir, et al., 2017).

    1. Thank you for your comment Zacky. Well-motivated people engage in discretionary behavior - in the majority of roles, there is scope for individuals to decide how much effort to exert. Such people may be self-motivated, and as long as this means they are going in the right direction to attain what they are there to achieve, then this is the best form of motivation (Armstrong, 2009).

  2. I agreed with the concepts and also Job satisfaction is a fulfilling or optimistic expression consequential of the consideration of one’s activity (Azash et al, 2011). Organizations today have realized the importance of motivated and satisfied employees as important contributors towards long term objectives. It has made organizations to cater to the expectations and needs of the employees and could expect the similar response. Motivation also positively influences performance at individual and group level ultimately affecting the organizational performance (Risambessy et al 2012)

    1. Thank you for your comment Puthra, Motivation is a psychological feature that influences a person to action toward a desired goal. Efforts to create a motivated and satisfied workforce for the purpose of improving productivity remain crucial factor in recent times (Rahman et al, 2019).

  3. Agreed with the content. In addition, Employee commitment to organizational practices that are closely tied to performance is increasing (Taylor & Taylor, 2011). One can distinguish between in-role performance and extra-role performance when talking about performance. Task performance, which is related to each employee's designated task and is a component of the job description (Lyons, Duxbury, & Higgins, 2006). Extra-role or contextual performance relates to an employee's efforts to assist or collaborate with other employees of the same company to enhance the organization's overall job performance (Gyamfi, 2012). Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are both essential for enhancing employee engagement in the every industry.

    1. Thank you Prabuddha for the value addition. according to Armstrong (2009), the concept of 'commitment' plays an important part in HRM philosophy. As Guest (1987) has suggested, HRM Policies are designed to maximize organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility, and quality of work. Nowadays, the phenomenon of increased competition between firms and their need to respond effectively to rapidly changing operational conditions, as well as to personnel requirements, has escalated the necessity to identify those factors that affect employee performance (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2018).

  4. A further point to add is, the prerogative lies with the organization’s Management, in order to extract performance should create an alignment between the organizational and employee goals and objectives. It is the organizational behaviour represented by the organizational senior management which affects the level of motivation and satisfaction through its beliefs, principle and underlying values which are closely followed by an organization (Roos, Van Eeden, 2008).

    1. Hi Derrick! Thank you for your comments. According to Harvard Business Review many leading organizations like Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, General Electric, Accenture and others utilize the practice of continuous performance management and have seen tremendous improvements in employee productivity and retention. With this type of performance management approach, employees are more likely to feel valued and therefore, engagement levels can increase substantially (TriNet, 2021).

  5. in addition to what you have mentioned , according to a study conducted by Grant (2008), motivation imposes employee outcomes for instance performance and productivity. He also established that motivated employees are more oriented towards autonomy and are more self-driven in contrast to less motivated employees. Further, motivated employees are highly engaged and involved in their work and jobs and are more willing to take responsibilities (Kuvaas and Dysvik, 2009)

    1. Thank you for your comments Iyngararaj. The key features of a successful organization are the ability to attract, retain and promote skilled employees. Each and every individual in an organization is to be dealt upon differently as everyone has different necessities. For this, an organization needs to actively implement the policies and procedures that motivate the employees. Dissatisfied employees recede to perform satisfactorily and subsequently, their productivity is not at par with organization expectation. Thus, the topmost priority of the management becomes that they safeguard the job satisfaction level of employees and make sure that they are satisfied with their tasks, work environment and the management according to Egan (Ahmad, 2021).

  6. Great Article Sachini and like to share According to Armstrong (2006), intrinsic motivators are concerned with the quality of work life, are likely to have a deeper and longer-term effect because they are inherent in individuals and not imposed from outside. As well as, according to Mullins (2005), Psychological rewards are those that can usually be determined by the actions and behavior of the individual managers.

    1. Great comment Malshani. The reward management system includes intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards like salary, bonuses, recognition, praise, flexible working hours, and social rights. With the help of a reward management system, enterprises can appeal, retain, and motivate employees to attain high performance of the employee (Liu et al., 2008).

  7. I agreed, it is a widely held and not unreasonable belief that increased job satisfaction leads to increased performance. The entire human relations movement, led by Mayo (1933) and supported by Roethlisberger and Dixon (1939) research, was based on the belief that increasing worker satisfaction, primarily through pleasant and supportive supervision and meeting their social needs, could increase productivity (Armstrong, 2014)

    1. Thank you Farhan. adding on a different view, No one works for free, nor should they. Employees want to earn reasonable salaries and payments, and employees desire their workers to feel that is what they are getting (Houran. J). Money is the fundamental inducement, no other incentive or motivational technique comes even close to it with respect to its influential value (Sara et al, 2004).

  8. True Sachini, In other words, In today's business world motivation is one of the important factors. When you give the correct motivation, it will give satisfaction to the employees. Basically, the performance is the result from the motivated employee and it will give support to the achievement of company goals (Sari, 2019).

    1. True Sarasi for your comments. according to Viau (2015), Motivation is a phenomenon that has the student's perceptions of himself and his environment as a source, makes the students focus on the educational activity presented to him, and gives them the determination to complete it (Tasgin & Tune, 2018).

  9. Great article Sachini. Furthermore, good information sharing can result from any type of motivation. The findings indicate a strong relationship between awareness of sharing attitudes and intentions and motivational elements including advantages, enjoyment, and self-efficacy to assist others. They discuss the value of knowledge sharing inside organizations and how it contributes to attaining objectives (Lin, 2007).

    1. Thank you Madushan for your comment. Motivation as a meaningful construct is a central pillar in the workplace. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has what it takes to define employee satisfaction in the workplace (Forson, 2021).

  10. Agreed with your content Sachini. Also, In order for employees to properly carry out their roles, it is critical that they are happy, motivated, and managed in a way that increases both their degree of commitment to the employer and organizational effectiveness, In light of this, the researchers aimed to determine how employee motivation affected their output (Nyoni, 2020). The study made use of pragmatism research philosophy, mixed methodology and a case study design, The study concluded that because workers lacked motivation, productivity and levels of job satisfaction were drastically falling, Because each employee is different and what motivates one employee may not significantly motivate another, it was advised that it be determined what precisely motivates each employee (Nyoni, 2020).

    1. Thank you for your comment Ann. In today’s business environment as it is true with high job losses due to layoff and retrenchment to create a lean organization, it is also noteworthy for organizations to stop loses of performing employees due to decreasing job satisfaction and lack of motivation to continue with the organization for long. Motivated and satisfied employees will have a committed approach toward an organizational objective; in turn, organizations will also have to show similar commitment towards employee objectives (Varma, 2017).

  11. Great Article Sachini. Agreed with the content, Additional research shows that receiving awards from the organization has no impact on an employee's conduct when it comes to knowledge sharing among coworkers. However, those that are internally motivated are more likely to share their knowledge, outlook, and intentions in an effort to enhance the working environment (Lin, 2007).

    1. Thank you Dehra for your comments. furthermore, Once the workforce feels motivated, it will sense contentment in the work, and will work more devotedly, which would consequently result in making their performances more efficient (Pancasila et al., 2020). Motivation itself is an aim or result an individual is trying to achieve as well as a method that helps the workforce to finish its work in an efficient and productive manner (Rahman et al, 2020).

  12. Good explanation. As described by Marchington and Wilkinson (2005), the most important components are training, learning, and development, because it is the only way that organizations can ensure that their excellent personnel remain at the top of their areas.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Motivated and satisfied employees will have a committed approach toward an organizational objective; in turn, organizations will also have to show similar commitment toward employee objectives (Varma, 2017).

  13. Good content Sachini. To add to your insights, Asim (2013) states that results of studies carried out to understand the impact of motivation on employee performance almost always shows a positive correlation between the two. Adding to this, Siddiqui (2014) points out that employee performance has become a very important factor in the success of organisations and that studies indicate that the success of companies depends on employee performance.

    1. Thank you for your comment Nelushan. Organizational performance refers to evaluating an employee's behavior towards particular work or assignments in an organization. Performance evaluation is associated with establishing how best or poorly an individual executed or accomplished a specific task or job. Motivation is among the many factors that influence or affect an employee's job performance and, consequently, influence organizational performance (Kalogiannidis, 2021).

  14. The highlighted and discussed in the subject of organizational behavior which has a distinctive featuring of models and theories pertain to motivation. Development and growth of employees are significantly focused. As for Maslow, Alderfer, McClelland, Hackman and Hertzberg; the growth is most influential and intrinsic motivator for individuals that exploit the potential of employees. It is found that an undeniable link exists among employee motivation and their satisfaction with the jobs and to organizational commitment.

    1. Thank you Thilini for your comment. Douglas McGregor proposed two distinct views of human beings: one basically negative, labeled Theory X, and the other basically positive, labeled Theory Y. After studying managers' dealing with employees, McGregor concluded that their views of the nature of human beings are based on certain assumptions that mold their behavior (Robbins et al, 2013).

  15. Agreed with your comments. There's a strong relationship between employee motivation & employee performance. According to Al-Madi, F.N., Assal, H., Shrafat, F. and Zeglat, D., (2017) motivation is a significant fact for growth & success of the organization.Robbins and Judge (2008) defined, motivation as the processes that account for an individual's intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward achieving goal.

    1. Thank you Dileka for your comment. adding different perceptions according to Herzberg, the factors that lead to job satisfaction are separate and distinct from those that lead to job dissatisfaction. therefore, managers who seek to eliminate factors that can create job dissatisfaction may bring about peace, but not necessarily motivation (Robbins et al, 2013).

  16. Great approach Sachini. Good motivation can strengthen commitment (Sohail et al., 2014; Burns and Alexander, 2020) and lead to improved performance (Joseph, 2015), while good performance can improve organizational performance (Bashaer and Singh, 2017) and lead to on satisfaction (Karyono, 2016).

    1. Thank you Ishara for your comment. Every organization wants to perform better and has the desire to get constant progress. The current era is highly competitive and organizations regardless of technology, size, and market concentration are facing employee retention challenges. To overcome these restraints a strong and positive relationship and bonding should be created and maintained between employees and their organizations (Mahmud, 2012).

  17. Great Article Sachini, It is said performance improves when people are motivated. Employee productivity indicates that the role of motivation has become a supporting factor in both government and private organizations, particularly in improving performance. According to empirical findings, the direct influence of motivation on performance has an effect. This is based on the interaction of performance and motivation (Kuswati, 2020).


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