Driving Employee Motivation to build Employee Engagement


Driving Employee Motivation to build Employee Engagement

In an organizational environment, a lack of motivated employees is likely to put less effort into duties, and tasks, producing work of lower quality. On the other hand, motivated employees are likely to willingly take on tasks, produce work of high quality, and be creative, and productive. Employee motivation has two forms, intrinsic and extrinsic (Armstrong. 2009). Intrinsic motivation arises from the intrinsic value of the work for the individual (for example, its interest value), whereas extrinsic motivation arises from the desire to obtain some outcomes (for example, as rewards) that are apart from the work itself (Engidaw, 2021).

To survive and sustainable growth in the rapid business development and tight competition, the company must manage its human resources effectively, and encourage the employees to keep their high commitment and strong engagement to the company (Mariza, 2016).

According to Eldor & Harpaz (2015), Employee engagement is related to the psychological experiences of people who shape their work process and behavior. Employee engagement is multidimensional; engaged employees are emotionally, physically, and cognitively engaged in their daily work. The organization has the responsibility to provide for the needs of employees by providing proper training and building a meaningful workplace environment; in turn, employees have the responsibility to provide a meaningful contribution to the organization (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017).

To interact with employees, it was decided that talent management and employee engagement

the program was needed to help attract, retain, and develop the simplest staff (Riyanto et al, 2021).

In order to build, improve and maintain employee engagement, According to Boss (2014), proposed 3 things to do by leaders to build and sustain employee engagement in the company, that are:

(a) consistency, the leaders have to be consistent in providing guidance and instruction to employees.

(b) communication, the leaders need to communicate the vision, mission strategy, and policy of the company as well as its impact on employees; and

(c) combat or clear out rumors, which means that the leaders have to explain the background of their decision and policies, and no added negative interpretation (Mariza, 2016). 

Every employee in the company will always try to work with the skills they have to achieve the desired job satisfaction. Job satisfaction will be more obvious when they have acquired aspects of their work according to their wishes such as developing skills and skills, developing careers, having the opportunity to follow education, work in comfortable conditions supported by good working facilities, and leaders who always give encouragement, fulfillment of necessities of life, and have a job according to the conscience (Riyanto and Herlissha, 2020).

Therefore, Engagement reflects the alignment of each employee’s very personal goals and drivers of job satisfaction with the organization’s strategy and contribution requirements. Retention and engagement aren’t achieved through organization-wide work/life policies, talent management systems, or culture initiatives alone (Masarech, 2014). However, employee motivation has been identified critical component of driving the business goal.

And it’s been identified, Employee engagement is an emerging concept in the business, management, industrial/organizational psychology, and human resource development fields (Iqbal, 2013).


·         Armstrong, M. (2009) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 11th edition.

·         Engidaw, A. E., (2021). The effect of motivation on employee engagement in public sectors: in the case of North Wollo zone, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol 10 (43), (Online) < https://innovation-entrepreneurship.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13731-021-00185-1 > [Accessed on 27th November 2021]

·        Masarech, M. A., (2014). Four Articles on Employee Engagement and Motivation, (Online) https://www.aucd.org/docs/urc/Leadership_Institute/2014%20UCEDD%20LI/2014%20UCEDD%20Leadership%20Institute%20Materials/Weekly%20Resources/motivation%20articles.pdf  [Accessed on 1st December 2022]

·         Mariza (2016), The Impact of Employee motivation and engagement on employees’ performance  of manufacturing companies in Jakarta Indonesia, Vol 14 (15), (Online) < https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316188621_The_impact_of_employees'_motivation_and_engagement_on_employees'_performance_of_manufacturing_companies_in_Jakarta_Indonesia > [Accessed on 1st December 2022]

·         Osborne, S., and Hammoud, M. S. (2017) Effective Employee engagement in the workplace, International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, Vol 16 (1), (Online) < https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1239;context=ijamt > [Accessed on 1st December 2022]

·         Riyanto, S., Endr, E., & Herlisha, N. (2021). “Effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance: Mediating role of employee engagement”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol 19 (3), DOI:10.21511/ppm.19(3).2021.14.

·        Riyanto, S., and Herlissha, N. (2020). Job Satisfaction Management, Work Motivation and Employee Engagement to Improve Employee Performance, International Journal of Business and Management Invention, Vol 9 (7), (Online) < https://www.ijbmi.org/papers/Vol(9)7/Ser-3/B0907031116.pdf > [Accessed on 1st December 2022]







  1. Hi Sachini, Very good explanation on Motivation and Employee Engagement. I believe its important in organization to measure the Employee Engagement level to have an idea where it stands. Therefore i would like to such to implement Gallup Workplace Audit (GWA) which consist of 12 questions such as, Do I know what is expected of me at work? At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day? and At work, have I had the opportunities to learn and grow? (see Buckingham and Coffman, 1999, p. 28). These GWA questions were derived through thousands of focus groups. The questions with a five‐point Likert scale were then administered to over a million employees and factor analyzed to derive the 12 questions. They were then subjected to confirmatory analyses (see Buckingham and Coffman, 1999, Appendix D and E).

    1. Thank you, Vidura for your comment. also to add employee engagement takes place when people at work are interested in and positive, even excited about their jobs, and are prepared to go the extra mile to get them done to the best of their ability. an engaged employee as defined by Bevan et al (1997) is someone "who is aware of business context and works closely with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization (Armstrong, 2009).

  2. Interesting Article. agree with the content. how ever there are some disadvantages of motivation as well. According to Kwon (2022) some disadvantages are Employees that are unmotivated are uninterested in their company, They participate in the dissemination of 'rumors., Unmotivated personnel refuse to cooperate, The prospect of strikes, demonstrations, and other protests causes issues for management.

    1. Thank you for your comment. According to Palaniammal (2013), The main purpose of these motivating factors is to create an environment where people are willing to work with zeal, initiative, interest, and enthusiasm, with high personal and group satisfaction, a sense of responsibility, loyalty, and confidence to achieve their personal as well as organizational goals (Engidaw, 2021).

  3. Hi ,Agreed further employee motivation has been shown to be effective in engaging employees in the workplace, according to the results of various studies conducted by researchers. Besides motivation, many organizations have identified the importance of engaging their workforce in order to achieve success in today's highly competitive environment. According to Habte (2016), managers perceive intrinsic motivation to have a greater impact on employee engagement than extrinsic motivation.

    1. Thank you Nirosha for your comment. Organizational productivity is determined by employees’ efforts and engagement. Interpersonal behaviors affect productivity; consequently, organizational leaders have begun to monitor how different interpersonal behaviors influence productivity (Hausknecht & Holwerda, 2013). Negative effects on productivity could be caused by negative interpersonal behaviors that lower employee engagement. Bersin (2014) found that only 13% of worldwide employees are fully engaged at work (Osborne & Hammoud, 2017).

  4. On the contrary what you said. I believe employee engagement also can de a driving force for employee motivation. It can be either ways.

    1. Thank you Rahman for your comment. The behavior of individuals as part of an organization is directly related to the perspective of the superior towards factors that motivate a subordinate. An essential element of this perspective is grounded in the basic critical thinking concepts of the frame of reference and bias, and an acceptance that everyone does not think the same way nor is motivated by identical factors. The mindset of the superior directly influences the manner in which he or she will engage subordinates and the degree of success that will be achieved by a work unit. In all of these areas, an understanding of motivation concepts, effective communication, and interpersonal skills are essential (Bolton, 2018).

    2. On the contrary what you said. I believe employee engagement also can de a driving force for employee motivation. It can be either ways. (Gupta, N. and Shaw, J.D., 2014)

  5. Good one. Employee motivation is the responsibility of both HR and supervisors. The manager's and the supervisor's support towards encouraging employee participation, mutual commitment, and understanding of diversity issues play a significant role in motivating and enabling performance (Snyder et al, 2004).

    1. Thank you for your comment. further, Motivation is considered a significant factor in organizational growth, and every employer is always obliged to implement the most effective motivational approach to achieve sustainable development (Kalogiannidis, 2021).

  6. Motivated employees can lead to increased productivity and allow an organisation to achieve higher levels of output. Imagine having an employee who is not motivated at work. They will probably use the time at their desk surfing the internet for personal pleasure or even looking for another job. This is a waste of your time and resources (Hanaysha & Majid, 2018).


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